How To Fight An Invisible Illness - Jennifer Brea, Creator & Director of “Unrest”


It took Jennifer Brea over a year of seeing doctors and getting second, third and fourth opinions to even land on a diagnosis for a disease that suddenly left her bedridden for days, weeks, months–sometimes unable to turn on a light or even listen to music because of unbearable pain. Was the reluctance to diagnose Jennifer due to a lack of knowledge about a condition that affects millions of people in the US–mostly women? Or were there other, unstated prejudices standing in the way of Jennifer getting treatment?

To show the world that this is a real disease with a truly debilitating impact on her life–not just in her head–and to inspire the medical community to take the lead on finding answers–Jennifer created a film, mostly from her bed, out of the videos she captured of herself, others like her and the few experts there are. Her film is called "Unrest."

Photo by Sam Heesen

Photo by Sam Heesen

How To Flip The Script On D*ick Pics-Whitney Bell, Feminist Activist


Whitney Bell got tired of receiving unwanted sexually explicit photos from men, and decided to do something about it: She gathered 200 of these images and put them on display in an art gallery show entitled "I Didn't Ask For This. A Lifetime of Dick Pics." Her conversation with Lauren provides interesting insights into post-modern sexualized male aggression & how women can respond.

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How To End Ageism - Ashton Applewhite, Author & Activist

Ashton Applewhite is on a mission as old as humanity itself -- to change our attitudes about age and ageing. Her book is "This Chair Rocks. A Manifesto Against Ageism," and her August, 2017 Ted Talk received a standing ovation. She's onto something. This week on Inflection Point, she talks with Lauren about how she plans to end what she calls "the last acceptable prejudice."

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How Sabaah Folayan Is Changing The Narrative of Ferguson, Director of "Whose Streets"


When Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in Ferguson, MO in August, 2014 and the protests began, Sabaah Folayan felt the media’s coverage was overly focused on the looting, rioting and property damage, and not nearly enough on the stories of the people who rose up. So she dropped everything and went to Ferguson to see for herself what was happening on the ground and to talk with the people who live there. The result is her documentary film Whose Streets? She shares what it was like to be there and how she made her film in such extraordinary circumstances. Whose Streets comes out August 11th.

Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures

Photo courtesy of Magnolia Pictures

How Femininity Can Save Humanity-Nina Simons, Co-Founder Bioneers

What if the root of all the world’s problems is the imbalance of masculinity and femininity in our leadership? Nina Simons, co-founder of Bioneers has spent over twenty years investigating the power of femininity to solve some of humanity’s greatest challenges. We discuss how she discovered that leading with the feminine can help anyone find their purpose and their passion.

And when you’re done, come on over to The Inflection Point Society, our Facebook group of everyday activists who seek to make extraordinary change through small, daily actions.

Nina Simons, photo by Genevieve Russell

Nina Simons, photo by Genevieve Russell

How To End Structural Racism in Tech-Laura Weidman Powers, Code2040

Why does the next civil rights movement involve people of color breaking into tech? Laura Weidman Powers, co-founder and CEO of Code2040, talks income inequality, how the jobs future is wrapped up with the tech industry, and how to keep things in perspective while fighting structural racism. Weidman-Powers is working to smooth the pathways for entrepreneurs of color, and in turn to give communities of color a place in the tech-driven economy.